Hi! I'm Michael


Web developer, coding enthusiast, and Systems Engineer. I am committed to development best practices, ensuring efficiency, quality, and reliability in every project I dive into. Let's level up the web together!

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  1. Data Network Overlock's API Backend

    Data Network Overlock's API REST to integrate the database with the Application.

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  2. MSA - Backend Backend

    Backend application for the MSA project, built with NodeJS and Express framework.

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  3. Moneybox Backend Backend

    Moneybox's backend application built with NodeJS and Express framework that connects to a MariaDB database.

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  4. PokeAPI Frontend

    Pokedex web application using the PokeAPI to list and find any Pokemon.

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  5. MSA Frontend

    E-commerce web application built with Angular and Bootstrap to sell PC gaming components.

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  6. Hack3rsL4b's webpage Frontend

    Information Security Think Tank's provisional website, from San Buenaventura University.

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  7. Cypher Demo Full Stack

    Web App to encrypt plain text files and send them between registered users.

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  8. JS Exercises Logic

    Javascript exercises to practice and improve my skills.

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  1. Backend Developer

    Banco Popular - ADL Digital Lab

    I worked as a developer at Banco Popular's Digital Lab, leading an initiative that used Artificial Intelligence and Language Models to guide bank staff on methodological topics through a chat channel. I implemented Object-Oriented Programming and clean architectures to create an efficient and scalable solution following the Scrum methodology.